Mount LauLau, a place I never knew existed or rather more thought Saipan had only one Mountain, Mount Tapochao. When I first heard about our hike, I was thinking no sweat because I have joined the SROTC program that encountered me to do so many activities similar to this. Although upon our arrival, we had to park at the bottom of a hill that lead the way to our destination. Our hike finally then started with a little struggle because some of us weren't in the best condition or rather more wern't prepared. All I was thinking of was expect the unexpected because when I first thought that this was no sweat, I was lying. This hike took a lot out of me. I had worn shorts (bad idea) because I had to struggle just to try and clear my way out of a ton of grass and tangantangan, which didnt work because I encountered the itchy-ness of the grass and multiple scratches. Not thinking that the hike was going to turn out how it did, most of the time I was trying to watch my steps because the path was actually made then and there and was very narrow, which was scary too. It may have taken a lot out of me to accomplish this hike but in the long run I learned and seen a lot. Our guide happened to be Angelo from Beautify CMNI, who dicussed and explained the cause and effects of human ignorance. He said that hunters actually burn and cut down green vegetation to clear land for their personal reasons. These actions prevents the vegetation from growing and leads to more problems within the surroundings of both the environment and the ocean. However, Mount Laulau is now reconstructed with new green vegetation with the help of Angelo and his handy dandy helpers.