Tuesday, September 11, 2007

observing your world

In my perspective/In my culture(chamorro), there are a lot of traditions and customs that has been going on for generations. I dont know weather to believe or follow it as well. I dont tend to think about it that often or what not but just live life to whatever happens and just follow the flow. However, since I was a young child i've have been around people who have experienced ghost/spirit like situations or have heard about a story.
Way back in time, my grandfather use to tell me stories about his experiences seeing ghosts. When he was a child, he and his siblings use to walk to school (Mount Carmel) from their home in Chaln kanoa and he said that along the walk they would see people (well ghost/spirits) from world war two walking around, seemingly not knowing that they are dead. He concluded that in the chamorro belief they would hold coins so that they didnt have to witness no more,saying that the ghost/spirits were scared to the sound of the coins for the reason being that it sounded like bullets and other metal materials used in the war, which distinctively reminded them of being part of a tragic event.
Other friends and family have told me so many other different kinds of stories/supertitions about taotaomonas making people sick or pinching them leaving bruises, one having duendes as friends, seeing white lady ghosts,etc... However, in oder for me to believe it, I have to experience it for my own self. As quoted "actions speaks louder than words." But at some degree I kind of do believe in some of the supertitions for various of reasons I cant explain or by my thoughts and feelings towards it.
To my understanding of the world, I believe what I have experienced/been through. Its not easy for me to understand how the world works not because I dont care, its just that I havent really put thought in it and basically I just live life. Although, I sometimes do wonder how the world does work and how it came about. Everyone sees the world differently and in my perspective we see it as it is, as well as we make it as it is. There are many different cultures, traditions, beliefs, and etc, which make it kind of difficult to see the world in one point of view. I do what I do, I believe what I believe, good and bad things happen to me, I learn from my mistakes and from others and thats what makes me partly understand what kind of world I live in.